
A man found a cocoon  of a butterfly. One day a little opening showed up. He sat and watched the butterfly for a few hours as it battled to drive its body through that little opening. Until it unexpectedly quit gaining any ground and seemed as though it was trapped. … Read More →

Is it bad to be a Social Chameleon?

We all know Chameleon to be clever and someone who molds them accordingly to the situation very often. So, the question arises is it bad to be a Social Chameleon? There is a two perspective to this situation, first, it is good that you are friendly with others and it … Read More →

Good Marketing Is Maybe A Bad Habit

One of my daily habits can be the foundation my by having an spending 1-2 hours each and every morning feeding my body system physically by taking exercise and feeding my mental spirit by reading or listening in order to some motivational lesson. This habit warms me up for day … Read More →

What are Primordial Black Holes?

According to research conducted by the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe about the universe, one of their studies showed that black holes could have formed in the early universe before stars and galaxies were born, such as black holes were named Primordial Black Holes. Lets know … Read More →

Want to Nail your goals?

People used to feel like a failure when they would change strategy to accomplish my goals. You feel worried that you might lack commitment, or blaming yourself for being a bad planner. After all, if you were better at setting goals, wouldn’t you have nailed the strategy the first time? But … Read More →