
A man found a cocoon  of a butterfly.

One day a little opening showed up. He sat and watched the butterfly for a few hours as it battled to drive its body through that little opening.

Until it unexpectedly quit gaining any ground and seemed as though it was trapped.

So the man chose to help the butterfly. He took some scissors and cut off the excess piece of the cover. The butterfly at that point arose effectively, in spite of the fact that it had a swollen body and little, withered wings.

The man didn’t consider anything and stayed there trusting that the wings will amplify to help the butterfly. However, that didn’t occur. The butterfly spent the remainder of its life incapable to fly, slithering around with small wings and a swollen body.

Regardless of the sort heart of the man, he didn’t comprehend that the limiting cover and the battle required by the butterfly to get itself through the little opening; were God’s method of compelling liquid from the body of the butterfly into its wings. To set itself up for flying once it was out of the case.

The lesson of the story:

Our battles in life build up our qualities. Without battles, we never develop and never get further, so it’s significant for us to handle difficulties all alone, and not be depending on assistance from others.

Also read, The ‘Physical’ Power of Thoughts

One life. Live Boundless

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