Want to Nail your goals?

People used to feel like a failure when they would change strategy to accomplish my goals. You feel worried that you might lack commitment, or blaming yourself for being a bad planner. After all, if you were better at setting goals, wouldn’t you have nailed the strategy the first time? But over the years you’ve realized your ability to zig and zag with strategy is not a mark of failure, but instead a goal-setting superpower. In this article, we will discuss ways to Nail your goals.


This year, I’ve already changed strategy multiple times in three major areas—and those are the areas where I’m making the most progress. Whether it’s my health and fitness goals,

Why? Because we only have limited visibility when we set our goals. Think about it: How could you possibly plan for all the contingencies that will happen in a 365-day period.

I haven’t had a year yet where unforeseen obstacles, challenges, and opportunities presented themselves in a constant parade.

Before It sounds like this kind of magical flexibility comes naturally to me, I have to confess I am not naturally flexible at all. Just ask my family. In fact, I’m basically a life-long underachiever in the flexibility department. That’s good news because this is less of a natural aptitude and more of a skill that anyone can cultivate.

If, like me, you can’t rely on your natural ability to excel at flexibility, here are ways to Nail your goals with these secrets.

Your goals may be important and sacred for you most of the time, but your strategy sure isn’t. All that matters is whether or not it works. If the answer is no, you should feel free to switch to a different one. As it is mentioned when you feel that one nothing is certain, you have endless possibilities.

So here are:

3 ways to Nail your goals

  1. You know what is important to start- it is your Plan You might be tempted to think creating a game plan to accomplish your goals is a waste of time. Far from it. After all, having a plan is what gets us in motion, moving toward our goals. Without it, we would likely never get out of the gate. Just remember to hold it loosely as obstacles arise.
  2. Believe in your Plan, it is also important as the making of it: Shifting gears from one strategy to the next presumes that you believe a better strategy exists, even if you don’t know what it is yet. This is part of what helps you hold your plans loosely. Focus on staying out of a place of scarcity, and in a place of abundance that says, “My best thinking, and my best strategies have yet to be discovered. There are always more ways to get there than I can see right now.”
  3. Show your Plan working If you’re leading a team, this is a critical final step. You must explain your rationale for changing strategy to your team, and you must enroll them in your vision. This sets your team up for alignment with you, and the willingness to follow where you lead, even if it’s disruptive in the short term. As a leader, you must also be intentional about building a culture where flexibility, change, and risk-taking is affirmed, so when you display these traits, they are seen as positive, not negative.

You should take your goals very seriously. Think of it like driving to an important event. Perhaps the street you at first picked was the speediest way—until a mishap ground everything to a stop. On the off chance that you can kill the street and locate a superior course, do you take it or simply creep along and miss your gathering?


The way to achieve our goals is to hold them tightly and our strategies loosely.Megan Hyatt Miller

Also read, Determination is Key to Success

One life. Live Boundless

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