Why do people Procrastinate?

Tomorrow holds a lot of burdens. Most of us put things off which we find unpleasant and what is it called we all know its Procrastination. Like all of our bad habits, procrastination over things has become a chronic disease in most of us. We know it will lead to a fall in the future if we have persistent behaviour of procrastinating over things.

Around 30-40% of people are known to procrastinate over every task given to them by saying I’ll do it tomorrow and that tomorrow never comes.

So why do we procrastinate?

 According to psychological studies, it is bee said the ones who procrastinate are perfectionists. They find it better by avoiding the task given to them to neglect the feeling that they will not do good in it.

But being humans we know why do we Procrastinate it’s because we don’t like the work which we don’t enjoy doing. Let’s say why as child procrastinate over their studies only because they don’t like it.

Also, we procrastinate over a thing which we find complex and the perfect example is most of us run away from maths only because we find it complex over other subjects and that procrastination never lets us spend enough time with the subject and we only do it on the last minute to feel the rush of euphoria to have a feeling of winning.

Do procrastination leads us anywhere?

Procrastination may relieve pressure at the moment, but it can have steep emotional, physical, and practical costs. Students who routinely procrastinate tend to get lower grades, workers who procrastinate produce lower-quality work, and in general, habitual procrastinators can experience reduced well-being in the form of insomnia or immune system and gastrointestinal disturbance. Procrastination can also jeopardize both personal and professional relationships.

It just leads you to a darker future. It is a self-defeating behavior. If you avoid doing something which is for your good you will have to repay for it in the future.

Procrastination leads you nowhere.

How to overcome Procrastination

Think of it as, when you procrastinate by benefitting yourself by avoid doing what is important for you, your future pays its price. You develop stress and anxiety in the future thus empathize with your future. You don’t want to hurt it. This will make you do a thing for yourself because you will not feel good to be in a disadvantageous position.

Remember t’s possible to overcome procrastination but it takes considerable effort. Changing a habitual behavior consumes a lot of psychic energy, but engaging in a highly structured regimen of cognitive behavioral therapy is one approach that has worked for many. In the short term, some cognitive tricks can help people complete discrete tasks.

Also read, Follow these tiny habits, to see the change in your life

One life. Live Boundless

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