Follow these tiny habits, to see the change in your life

All of us aspire to be big in life, when we see somebody influential, the majority of us wish this is what I want to be this, this is where I belong. But how many of us actually bother about that aspiration, when we engage ourselves in anything else, like after few minutes our aspirations are lost. But then as we all know and read, what makes the one who is on the other side and why can we come to that battlefield to make our lives better in the future. Follow these tiny habits, to see the change in your life.

Here are basic habits that can let you be more productive and affirmative towards your life and will lead you closer to your aspirations.

Complete your first promise of the day:

We all plan that tomorrow I will wake up at 5:00 but we end up snoozing the alarm button and the promise gets unfulfilled, this does let you feel a bit guilty, but you see to be okay with it and continue feeling more guilty throughout the day for not completing the task you planned for yourself and this continues.

Don’t you think that when you promise what you wanted to do if you complete that satisfaction you feel is a heavenly feeling? So try to keep your promises you make to yourself and this will let you build trust in yourself.

Dress to feel confident:

We all feel confident when we dress up. It brings more energy and happiness when we feel we are looking our best. It’s no bad if you dress to impress yourself and it’s that positive energy that matters to keep you going.

Eat your lunch:

We all have been so focused on our breakfasts that it is healthy to eat breakfast, but recent studies show that lunch is what is most essential. As per medical conditions, it may be different from person to person.

A look back to your day in the afternoon:

As half of the day has passed, look and analyze if you did what you have planned, if you keep checking yourself timely, it is likely that you will have a productive day. But what we do is we just flow with the day, without analyzing and realizing what needs to be done for the day, and not most of us do that.

It’s essential to learn a little about finance every day:

What stresses us the most, isn’t it the money, for which we are continuously running, so is it money’s fault that it is not with you or are you planning to manage your money.

Implement positive habits here and then stick to them. Put away a chunk of each paycheck to a retirement account. Put away another chunk to your personal savings. Make purchases within reason. And then once a month, do a quick review with yourself and look at where your money is being spent. The more diligent you can be here, the more you will be able to build habits that set you up for the future you truly want.

Sleep is so undervalued:

We sleep abruptly at any time, and that is the cause of many health-related problems. If you have a proper sleep, you will not have the habit of snoozing, and breaking your first promise and that is where the cycle begins for the productive, happy and healthy day.

Apart from that our body requires rest, our eyes need to rest, from all that radiation it absorbs throughout the day from your phone screens and laptops.

If you have proper sleep, you are likely to have a low risk of any severe disease.

A well-rested mind is far more productive than a tired one. Give it the rest it requires but what is important is do not overdo and underdo it. The balance is the game you need to win.

Also read, Wabi-Sabi

One life. Live Boundless

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