
When you feel nothing is certain, then you may find everything is possible for you. It is not necessary whatever you planned a few years ago and how you predicted your life to be in present Is not something you wished for and it is ok, but what you should keep doing is keep moving. Embrace the imperfection for a perfect life, this is what wabi-sabi explained.

Rustic wooden gate

What is Wabi-Sabi?

“Wabi” is said to be defined as “rustic simplicity” or “understated elegance” with a focus on a less-is-more mentality.

“Sabi” is translated to “taking pleasure in the imperfect.”

Is it possible to achieve absolute perfection and happiness?

The pursuit of perfect happiness in relationships, wealth, and health keeps one always angst and worried, everyone, is running for that extreme happiness, which doesn’t exist. In this fast forward and materialistic world, wabi-sabi teaches us to take a pause and enjoy the imperfections too.

This japenese philosophy of wabi sabi teaches us to appreciate and celebrate life each day rather than relentlessly complaining on how perfect it should be.

You should not feel that when only you achieve your goal that will make you happy, instead embrace your path the hurdles and difficulties you face in that journey.

 Richard Powell in his book Wabi -Sabi Simple mentions “Wabi-Sabi is “a way of life that appreciates and accepts complexity while at the same time values simplicity.”

Also, he mentioned, “Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.”

 Which is certainly true what might look perfect to you need not be the same for others. I feel as we talk about how time can be relative and in different frames likewise is perfection. It is relative to how a person looks at it.

 kintsugi: one of the principles of Wabi -Sabi 

A broken piece might look more beautiful than a perfect vase. And that is how the Wabi-Sabi principle originated,

 It celebrates cracks and crevices and rot and all the other marks that time and weather and use leave behind. To discover wabi-sabi is to see the singular beauty in something that may first look decrepit and ugly.

Rehearsing wabi-sabi doesn’t expect you to gain proficiency with a certain ability, it now and again reminds you toning it down would be best sometimes, simply don’t quit esteeming your life to accomplish much more. Everything necessary a psyche adequately calm to value quieted excellence, boldness not to fear exposed state, readiness to acknowledge things as they may be—without ornamentation. It relies upon the capacity to back off, to move the equilibrium from doing to being to appreciating as opposed to culminating.


You may light your enthusiasm for wabi-sabi with a solitary thing from the rear of a wardrobe: a chipped container, a blurred piece of fabric. Search profoundly for the moment subtleties that give it character; investigate it with your hands. You don’t need to comprehend why you’re attracted to it, however, you do need to acknowledge it for what it’s worth. It should come from within you to praise the flaws sometimes.

Learnings from Wabi-Sabi

Wabi-sabi addresses a valuable reserve of insight that qualities serenity, concordance, magnificence, and flaw. You can fortify your strength even with realism.

It encourages you to slow down sometimes. Move away from the rushed present-day world and discover happiness and appreciation in all that you do. What all give you satisfaction and inner peace.

Wabi-Sabi allows you to be you without any unwanted filter.

Embrace the flaws and appreciate it.

One Life. Live Boundless

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