
A man found a cocoon  of a butterfly. One day a little opening showed up. He sat and watched the butterfly for a few hours as it battled to drive its body through that little opening. Until it unexpectedly quit gaining any ground and seemed as though it was trapped. … Read More →

Want to Nail your goals?

People used to feel like a failure when they would change strategy to accomplish my goals. You feel worried that you might lack commitment, or blaming yourself for being a bad planner. After all, if you were better at setting goals, wouldn’t you have nailed the strategy the first time? But … Read More →

Amazon Republic Day Sale

Amazon has launched its first sale of the year 2021 for its prime members. The great Republic Day sale is live from 20th January  to 23rd January. Amazon is American E-commerce company owned by Jeff Bezos. Members will benefit discounts and various cupons to avail huge discounts. We have curated … Read More →

Who are the Class Clowns?

Do you all recall the Class clowns when you were in elementary school; Aren’t they in your memory yet? Aren’t, they part of your good memories? Their jokes made us laugh in the room when sometimes the teacher loaded us with a lot of boredom through their Maths sum. They used … Read More →

Does stress affect your Brain?

Are you sleeping restlessly, feeling irritable or moody, Sometimes so overwhelmed that you start crying for no reason? Forgetting things and all you want is to be isolated from all. Don’t worry we have all been there. You are just stressed out. Stress is not always a bad thing. It … Read More →

What is Success

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” What is Success? Success to people vary.. Some think they are successful, when they have a billion dollar business, large social media following and all those pictures we see of famous … Read More →