You Stop That Overthinking!

When you can’t control what’s happening

When did you feel you cannot control what is happening around you? How will you react to the situation? How will you stop that overthinking?

There can be two circumstances, first, it is not always whatever happens to you may be sickening, it could also be something that is not in your control but is happening for your goodness.

There can be two scenarios, let me elaborate with an example, you were planning to get admitted to an IIT, but the other option you have is NIT. You are not considering it but friends and family are forcing you to get admitted to it, and you are planning to drop for a year. Second, it could be like you are really stuck into something very problematic and you are clueless about how to react to it in this second situation you have no clue about what is right for you.

So assuming you are not able to control what is happening because people or sometimes certain situations will cause you problems and challenges; that will have their worst impact sometimes to hurt you. Life will always throw unexpected challenges your way and there’s nothing that you can do about that.

What should you do in these testing times?

First, you stop that overthinking. No one likes when bad stuff happens to them. When that bad situation is out of control, there is little thing we can do to avoid it. You stop that overthinking that time.

In such time testing situations, you should challenge yourself the way you respond to what is happening. This is where your power lies. Instead many of us respond simply by reacting to others or to the circumstances, you maintain your power and control. When you mindlessly react to the words or actions of others, you allow them to control you; you give away your ultimate power – the power to choose how you will respond.

As mentioned we have very limited choices when we encounter such situations, you either allow it to control you or decide to do every possible bit to take your control over the problem or let the other take control over you.

It does not mean you will fix the problem immediately. Since sometimes it is not required to visualize the end goal when you feel the problem is huge, try opening every knot one by one and even if you don’t fix the problem, have control over how will you be reacting to it.

It will be hard if you feel victim

If you are continuously feeling upset or victim, it will be hard to do anything, possibly it will be more difficult for you. Think about what needs to be done to overcome it, whom you need to address to seek help. Also, many people feel bad in seeking out any help from others, remember we are social human, it is no point of hesitating or taking it on your ego about asking for help.

Remember how we react to the challenges in our life has the power to change the challenges we face.

Also read, Are you Emotionally Intelligent?

One life. Live Boundless

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