Yoga vs Gym

Stuck between yoga or work out at the gym? That is a difficult choice that haunts us. If your goal is to get lean, build muscle, and boost your physical and mental performance, both of these are great options. But if you’ve already settled into your fitness routine, choosing between these two options can present you with quite the dilemma. Here, we’ll list out the benefits of both to help you make a wise decision.

In general, young people find yoga exercises to be boring since it’s therapeutic and not exciting to them. From the point of view of age alone, yoga is ideal for older audiences while the gym is perfect for youngsters. But we think making use of both worlds to get the best result. When you practice yoga and work out, you get the cardiovascular benefits of one and experience the whole-body detox benefits of the other.

With yoga, your organs go through a cleansing process which means your performance will also improve. Any toxic or emotional blocks will also get removed, so if you’ve been struggling mentally in some aspect of your life, you’ll find it disappearing. With yoga, one can expect increased flexibility, toning, and strengthening. -You don’t need any equipment, just some space around yourself to practice the various asanas.  And when that goes away, you’ll naturally perform better in life

Talking about Gym it helps you build strength. A sportsman can not be much powerful If he only does yoga. He has to build stamina to push himself to higher limits, which is aided by a person’s visits to the gym. Gym sessions stress your body to push your body at higher limits.

Again in practicality, If someone wants to lose weight it is advisable for them to visit the gym. Yoga is not something that you do to slim down at a faster pace. By doing cardio and weight lifting exercises you burn more calories. Running on a treadmill is also the best to cut down calories. In the gym, you have many instruments that would shape your body in the condition you want it to be. Suppose you have set a goal for two months to put your body in perfect shape, it is possible when you hit the gym.

In my opinion, the killer combination would be doing both in proportionate ratio, doing yoga along with hitting the gym is most beneficial and these days gym centers have been so creative that they offer both. You could do 2 to 3 days of cardio or HIIT and in the remaining 3 days, fit in yoga sessions. Keep aside one day of the week as your designated rest day. You need to give your body time to adapt to the physical exertion you’re putting it through. By practicing yoga 3 times a week plus going to the gym, you’ll derive the benefits of both.

Sadhguru says the focus of Yoga is to set another dimension alive within you that is beyond the physical. Only when that is alive, slowly the existence opens up to you in a million different ways. Things that you never thought existed become a living reality for you, simply because a dimension beyond the physical has become alive.

For the longer run, it is not feasible hitting the gym since it demands money unless you have your personal one. With yoga, you have the liberty to amalgamate it into your daily routine with just about half an hour of time every day. Plus no matter your age or your health, you can practice yoga. Yoga has even been found to help people who have health ailments. Gym workouts, in general, are not designed to be therapeutic, or senior-friendly. Choose what you want in the present point of time for yourself.

Also read your Happy Hormones

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