What is the key to true happiness?

Key to true happiness

What is that we want from our life. It is a feeling of happiness. In this article we will talk about what is the key to true happiness?

Everyone has a different definition of happiness and being happy. Either that is something materialistic that may give happiness as people have different answers to this question like “I would be happy when I’ll buy a new car, new house, new shop, traveling the world, being with friends or family, winning a lottery, Getting that perfect paying job, getting married, having children, playing, partying with friends, etc., etc.

a girl smiling

To some, it may be in form of spirituality, gratitude, and having a life overcoming all worldly pleasure.

So which one will be considered a truly happy person the one who is running to achieve all things in life or the one who lookup for spirituality?

It depends upon person to person and their need.

But this is the ultimate goal of all humans. For them, there is no right or wrong to have this feeling of happiness, and to most, it has become difficult to be happy in this competitive world.

Buying a car, shop or house these are momentary happiness, as we say we keep striving for the best of our life. Achieving what we desire makes us happy, but as mentioned it is momentary. It is the best thing to make progress and aim for new, but what is important here is just don’t fall into the trap that only achieving and fulfilling your dreams and money will make you happy.

Sometimes it becomes important to find your inner happiness by knowing the real you. As mentioned above whatever in this world is happening is because someone feels happing doing it. Either it is good or bad.

But when you hold and take time to decide, when you love yourself and feel happy from within it is most likely that you are not going to harm anyone from your happiness and this is key to true happiness, when you are content from within and still working hard, without being dependent upon the outcome of what will you achieve.

Why can’t it be mutualistic?  Why do we have to compete for happiness? Why are we completely dependent on materialistic things to feel happy?

 The truth is we are looking for our happiness in the outside world. We don’t even understand the actual meaning of true happiness.

True happiness is within you. True happiness is when you feel happy and content with your own self. It is about enjoying your own company and when you share this feeling with others and spread happiness around you.

For being truly happy you neither need other people nor materialistic things.

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.”
― Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love

How can you achieve this state of true happiness from the within? Here are few ways mentioned to make one feel happy without looking for materialistic happiness, i.e. the key to true happiness.

First and the most important is to know yourself, develop trust for yourself that you will make yourself happy.

Stay away from people that are source of negativity

Stay away from negative feelings of envy, jealousy, fear, anger, and don’t let them bud inside you.

Nurture your body and soul. Have nutritious meals and start meditation

Take time for yourself like reading or writing a book, watching a movie or something when you are in your company. It’s the best way to get rid of the fear of being alone

Be kind and humble with yourself first only then you can be this way with others

Do some small selfless things like smile at strangers, giving seats to others in public transport, etc.


When you are happy from the inside not depending upon materialistic things or other people then you are truly happy and make others happy around you. This chain is what will radiate happiness all around, it feels imaginary but this is what I hope and wish for the world to be a happy place, with no grief, and negativity.

Also read, Art of Happiness

One life, Live Boundless

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