Suffering from the puffy face in the morning?

Waking up with a swollen and puffy face and a heavy head is what most people experience in the morning when they wake up. It makes you feel dull and low in energy to start off your day. In this article, we will talk about Puffiness of the face which generally results from fluid retention, which can stem from a number of factors. Try these home base treatments and exercise to treat them.

Here are mentioned some cause and prevention of puffy face:

Are you on healthy diet and take proper sleep?

These two are some of the main reason why you may see puffiness on your face, if you are consuming too much junk, your gut might feel unhappy and its effect can be seen on your face.

As junk contains too much salt and sometimes sugar, especially salt is known to absorb water hence it is seen on your face.

Eating certain food at night time which contains a high amount of NaCl(table salt) like, chips, fries, burger, pizza, nachos to name a few.

The other prominent reason is either you did not sleep well or you overslept, due to this also you may seen puffiness on you face.

Alcohol consumption

Some people wake up with puffy faces after a night of drinking.

When someone drink alcohol regularly, they tend to urinate more leading them to mild dehydration. In response to that body starts retaining some water where it can and it is visible on the face. Your health condition

Physical health problems which are temporary

  • Menstruation– Girls who are on Menstruation commonly causes fluid retention, and before a period, a person may notice puffiness in the face upon waking.
    Allergies-Sometimes, facial puffiness in the morning results from allergies to dust, dander, or pollen inhaled during the night. The person may not notice any symptoms until they wake up. Other symptoms of the allergic reaction, such as congestion, a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy or watery eyes, may indicate that allergies are causing the puffiness.
  • Sinus infection-A puffy face in the morning may be a sign of a sinus infection. It can also cause:
  1. pain and tenderness in the face
  2. postnasal drip
  3. frontal headaches
  4. pain in the teeth
  5. a fever
  6. a stuffy nose


Hypothyroidism, which involves the thyroid gland not producing enough hormone,

Beyond facial puffiness, people with hypothyroidism may also experience:

weight gain, you become intolerant to cold temperature, fatigue.

What are the treatments

Contingent upon the reason, different home consideration procedures and clinical medicines can lessen or forestall facial puffiness toward the beginning of the day.

An individual may attempt the accompanying techniques in the first part of the day as if there are no serious health-related issues, this puffiness fades away as the day begins.

1-First thing is to have a Luke warm water as you wake up, it works as one of the best detoxifying drinks to start your day.

2-Splash your face with Cold water

3-Sprinkling the face with cold water or utilizing a towel to make a virus pack may rapidly diminish puffiness.

4-Have coffee or tea, preferably without sugar.

5-You can apply coffee beans or a drenched, cooled tea pack to the zones of puffiness may help animate the skin and choke the veins, diminishing the puffiness.

6-A jade roller is an apparatus that tenderly back rubs the face to advance course and help lymphatic liquid channel.


A fast morning run or bicycle ride causes a few people to feel not so much enlarged but rather more alert, and it might decrease puffiness.

Go for Medical therapies

In the event that a basic condition is causing facial puffiness, clinical treatment might be essential — yet not generally.

What you should try avoiding

It may not generally be conceivable to forestall facial puffiness toward the beginning of the day, yet the accompanying techniques may help:

•        avoiding nourishments high in sodium, particularly late at night or around evening time

•        avoiding refined starches later in the day

•        not eating long before bed

•        avoiding sleeping late

•        staying hydrated for the duration of the day and into the evening

•        avoiding alcoholic drinks

While waking up with a puffy face may be alarming or irritating, the puffiness should fade away during the day.

A person can make various dietary and lifestyle changes to prevent the issue, and there are several ways of reducing the puffiness at home.

If the puffiness is persistent or troubling, it may be a good idea to consult a doctor.

Also read, Yoga vs Gym

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