Mentors – One or Many?

Should you have many mentors or one?

I was in the US and was bored with the food I had been eating. So, I wanted to make ‘Rajma’ one day. Youtube recipes weren’t popular in those days. I called my mother in India and she gave me instructions to soak it overnight. In the morning, my mother was busy in her ‘Puja’, so my sister gave me the next instructions to boil it. Then she became busy and my sis-in-law gave me the next instruction, then my sister and it was then back to my mother. The result was a Mess.

Likewise, in life, you don’t need many mentors. You need ONE. You will reach farther if you take advice from one rather than taking advice from many. ‘Many’ will only sow seeds of doubt because you will now have n paths. Even when you choose a path and start going on it, in the back of your mind, you will still be thinking ‘What If’. “Too many cooks spoil the broth”.

Choose that ONE mentor wisely. Choose someone you know for some time on a personal level.

A flashy social media profile should not be guiding your life. Remember, people boast a lot on social media – ‘What You See IS NOT What You Get’. (WYSI’N’WYG).

Also read, How To Overcome the Quarter-Life Crisis

One Life. Live Boundless.

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