There are some tough questions one thinks about as they experience life more. There are many philosophical explanations to why it happens and how it can be overcome. The Internet is full of articles dealing with such issues. But like most cases, the overabundance of information makes the information confusing and useless.
Let’s look at some of these and a sure shot way to deal with such situations –
- A person getting rewarded because his lies couldn’t be caught, and your commitment to not falsifying hurting your progress? The liars and cheats gaining in life while you suffer if you don’t take those paths?

Do something because you believe it is right, not because of a lack of options or because others demand it of you.
Unlike shown in movies or written in texts, there is no guarantee that the one who cheats or lies will one day pay for it. The fact that you are supposed to wait for that ‘one day’ speaks in itself about the power of this statement. It is what cowards finally succumb to when they find themselves weak and unable to do anything about it. Again, be truthful because you believe it to be right and then be ready to pay the price too. It’s a conscious choice. Make this choice if you believe in it, not because you’ weak.
- People changing their colors when they ‘thought’ they now have an upper hand – irrespective of whether they really have it or not?

Dealing with people is tricky – and it gets trickier the closer they are to you. Self-interest reigns supreme and that is what drives people’s behavior towards you. If they think they are going to get benefitted in the short run, they will keep flocking at you while being at a distance when they think they don’t have much to benefit. Don’t be too harsh on people – it is human nature you’re dealing with. Keep your self-interest also in mind and always be prepared to see a surprising change in how they deal with you. Again, No Hard Feelings. Plain, Business.
- The impostors who pretend to help you while ensuring you don’t get any in reality?

The kind one needs to be really careful about are the impostors. They pretend to be on your side and take all information from you – only to use it in their favor. They won’t help you, substantially, no matter what but will stick around to know more of your situation. Don’t let your guard down. You can continue doing the Tango with them, but don’t let them in on your situation fully.
- The ones who profess a different standard for you but practice a completely different one for themselves or their sons/daughters?

Human history proves that self-interest and interest of their children is the thing people care the most about. Rest everything comes 2nd or 3rd or 4th…
- Expect true guidance only to the extent that your self-interests are aligned.
- People want to help you but only to the extent that you should not get better than them. It takes a certain enlightened and content person to do that.
- Most don’t mind you losing thousands but would cry if they lose a quarter. Take charge of your own self-interest.
Past behavior is highly indicative of how people are. People don’t change all of a sudden. It takes a lot of effort for people to change from within and as a result very few people do it. To change, they must first acknowledge that there is something that should be changed. This is too big a step for most. It is much easier to learn to act in a certain preferable way according to circumstances.

It is always extremely easy to make suggestions for someone else’s life so people do so very freely and with least caution. Your life is your responsibility. You will suffer the consequences of decisions of your life so make those decisions yourself – you will either get good results or your next decision will become better. Don’t let someone else learn their life-lessons by playing with your life. That’s absolutely Stupid on your part.
Make Decisions. Bear Consequences. Stay Happy.
Also read, Mentors – One or Many?
One Life. Live Boundless.
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