Got Complaints from Life?

Got Complaints from Life. Imagine a child growing up. Their journey is comprised of endless possibilities, unlimited potential, their destination could be anywhere in the whole wide world they can become whatever they want to become whoever they desire to be. 

While observing this child as it makes its way into this world, nothing is more apparent than the freedom they contain. The beauty in knowing that they can follow their soul, to find their passion, and do whatever they feel like. As you look towards this child you’ll notice that they have no worries, no self-doubt, no fear of failing, no fear of the consequences.

But as you grow old these things get instilled into your mind, your psyche and you start to lose all that confidence that you once had. You start doubting your worth and complaining about your situation.

So I dealt with something today that kind of knocked me off my feet a little bit one of those unfortunate things that pop out and it really sets you back especially when you’re working and really driving towards something and obviously this isn’t specific to me you know everyone has to do one of those things that they don’t want to.

 No one has smooth sailing all the time but I was sitting in my living room kind of pissed, angry at the world thinking about all the ways that this unfortunate situation is going to be detrimental to what I’m trying to do.  That feeling of defeat but the more I thought about it the more it became evident that I was wasting my time because realistically whatever happened it happened and I can’t change that.  What I do have control over is the way I  internalize the situation. My perspective of how I want to see this circumstance is good or bad, remembering that old glass-half-full half-empty concept so I began thinking about how I can take this unfortunate situation and rather than suffer because of it, how I can benefit from it by making it an advantage.

When you really think about what a setback is it’s kind of a unique thing because it’s an opportunity to take a step backward and re-approach the challenge that you’re facing. The time to come back better than before to show the universe why it’s going to take more than that. It’s time, to dig deeper to push yourself to the next level.

 The world wants to keep throwing problems your way. Good, you’ll just keep finding ways to get better in life. Many of us are lucky to have the freedom to pursue our passion and we do that tirelessly but a big part of that is the ability to be agile, to adapt, and to find ways to win when you hit a roadblock.

A lot of the times that ends up being the difference and one of the reasons I love doing this work is because I have started to read so many amazing people life stories,   about these brave individuals battling illnesses, having tough times but still making a point to run, to work out,  to excel in their daily lives. At work and with their family and again. It just puts everything into perspective as to why shouldn’t I be able to transform my situation which by the way pales in comparison to what some of these people are dealing with.

 This is life, here are your puzzle pieces assigned to you,  now you have to figure it out. There is nothing in the world that can’t be solved. We are made better so I hope anyone reading this going through that rough stretch I hope you can take that step back and really re-examine what it is that’s in front of you.  Don’t be torn down by it, instead grow from it because when the dust settles you’ll come out way stronger than you were.

When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it. All else you do is madness

One Life. Live Boundless.

Also read, Becoming Better – The Secret Ingredient.

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