Everything is ‘EASY’ if someones else is doing it

Everything looks easy when you are only seeing it from a distance. Try doing it and you will know what it takes.

A lot of times programmers don’t give much heed regarding 40,000 ft gyaan by a higher up on how they can manage to code better is because that gyaan isn’t much relevant. The only experience this higher up will be having regarding programming is possibly a few maintenance projects they would have worked on early in their life but they would talk out the latest buzzwords and heavy questions like “Why don’t we bring in Artificial Intelligence” without realizing if it even applies in the current situation. ” To them, Everything looks easy.

As a leader, empathize with your programmers – especially if the team is building something new from the ground up. You may not be able to solve their problem but be ready to help them with resources at your command. Don’t berate the programmers because they are not able to bring in a new feature in one day because you saw that feature on Google. You may not know but that feature would have consumed a lot of resources at Google to be built. And if the programmers ask, you may not be able to provide such resources. So at times, tone down your expectations too.

Also read, Ambitious? Be Ready For A Tough Life

One Life. Live Boundless.

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