Diabetes – How to Control your Blood Sugar Levels

If you play with your body today, the body will play with you later. If you take care of your body today, the body will take care of you later.

Sandy Upu

One of my friends got diagnosed with Diabetes recently. He consulted with the best doctor in his city and the following is the advice he received from the doctor. I will keep it in simple to understand language and thus lower the usage of the medical terms I hope it will help any of you in need as well.

How to Control your Blood Sugar Levels? There are 5 major things to take care of and it will help you go away from medication and eventual reversal of diabetes. They are –

1 – Stop taking dairy products like milk, butter, cheese, etc.

If you are over 40 and have been diagnosed with Diabetes, stop consuming dairy products.

No Dairy Products After 40

Cows produce milk not for human consumption but for their calf. The calf grows from 15 kg creature to a 100 kg one in a span of 1-2 years. So much is the content of growth hormones and nutrients in milk. So what happens when you continue taking that same milk even after you have grown up?

Till 40, your body is able to absorb the nutrients and growth hormones in dairy products but after that, it becomes harder for the body to consume those. These growth hormones create a barrier to insulin production and its usage. This results in an imbalance in the inner functioning of the body and more and more insulin has to be administered in the form of injections/tablets.

2 – Use alkaline foods like Baking Powder or green smoothies to reduce the body’s Acidity.

Due to our dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle, our bodies have become highly acidic in nature. In order to bring down this acidity, we should increase the intake of alkaline foods in our diet. This will result in maintaining the pH balance of the body (Extra Info: Human body’s normal blood pH level is 7.40 on a scale of 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most basic)

Drink Greens Smoothies – 3 times a day
  1. Eat more greens in your food.
  2. Drink green smoothies 3 times a day.
    1. Handful of spinach, handful of Methi (fenugreek) leaves, 5-7 almonds, 1/2 paan patta (betel leaf), half an apple, handful of lettuce, handful of coriander leaves, (or any green leafy vegetable(s) you like), 10 cashews (optional), whey protein powder (optional), water. Make smoothie of these ingredients in a mixer and consume 1 glass each time, 3 times a day. In fact, even the people who are healthy should take this twice a day.
  3. Drink water mixed with Baking Powder (not baking soda). The proportion is about half a team spoon of Baking Powder in 1 litre of water.
  4. Chew at least 2 Paan Patta (betel leaf) in a day.

3 – Walking doesn’t work. Do anti-gravity exercises like squats/using stairs/hands up and down.

Most diabetics think that they are doing a lot by not eating rice, potatoes, or bread and having tea without sugar. They top it with half an hour of brisk walk. Here’s the tested truth. Walking doesn’t help much.

Squats – way better than Walking

The sugar is mostly consumed by 2 organs in the body – brain, and muscles. Assuming brain activity to be constant, we can increase sugar processing by the body by increasing the consumption by muscles. This is what walking is intended to do. My friend, under the doctor’s supervision and all other factors constant, did the tests and got the following results –

Activity Time Result
Brisk walk @5km/hr with occasional running. Total distance covered 7kms.   1 hour Sugar level down by 45 units
Walking 2 floors of stairs (7-8 mins), squats (3-4 mins), waving arms up and down (3-4 mins). 15 minutes Sugar level down by 55 units

The idea here is thus to do physical activities that are anti-gravity in nature. Exercises like squats, walking stairs are many times more effective than walking. These exercises give greater strain to the muscles as a result of which they consume sugar faster and more effectively thereby helping in maintain blood sugar levels.

4 – Minimal use of screens after 8 pm.

The body is a brilliant machine. It has the healing power of its own and the maximum healing or rejuvenation happens when we are asleep. Think of it this way – In computers, video processing needs more resources than audio processing. Similarly, when we are awake and look at the light, the brain keeps processing the information it receives through the eyes. Since the brain is still working, the body thinks that it still needs to work and so doesn’t start any healing or rejuvenation process. When we fall asleep, it starts its repair work.

No Screen usage between 8 pm to 8 am

In order to give enough time for the body to heal and rejuvenate, do not look at screens (TV, laptop, iPads, etc.) after 8 pm. If you are still awake, pick a book or talk to some friends/family. The blue light (or the dimmed white/orange light) from the screens interferes with our body’s internal mechanism keeping it awake long after you switch them off.

(DIY Test – watch your phone for 1 hour after 10 pm and then try to go to sleep. It will take longer to fall asleep and you will feel less energized when you wake up in the morning)

Additional Dietary Tips –

Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Snack (optional)
7:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 pm
Heaviest Meal of the day Handful of almonds Lighter Meal of the day Handful of almonds Lightest Meal of the day Handful of almonds
  1. Follow the ‘Eat every 3 hours’ rule.
  2. Say No to Refined Sugar (white sugar) in any form – raw, in tea/coffee, in sweets, in chocolates, etc.
  3. Say No to soft drinks like Pepsi/Coca Cola. They are very high in Sugar
  4. Say No to junk food like Burger, French Fries etc.
  5. Minimal intake of salt to Control your Blood Sugar Levels.
  6. Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables to get sugar in natural form.
  7. When you crave, use a moderate amount of jaggery in place of refined sugar.

5- Eliminate Alcohol & Tobacco products completely

The usage of ‘Alcohol’ and ‘Tobacco’ in any form (vodka, whiskey, etc. OR cigarettes, paan masala, hukkah, etc.) raises the blood sugar level drastically. This is not good for the body. These items should be gradually eliminated from a person’s lifestyle to Control your Blood Sugar Levels

Treat the body well – It will treat you well. Treat it like Shit – It will make you one.

Sandy Upu

For more information, we highly recommend you to check the following channel on YouTube. BEST.

Also read, Organic food- Reality or Buzz?


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