10 ways to lose weight fast

Since wedding seasons are on we are all looking at crash diets to lose weight. Shed those extra kilos and look our best.  These crash diets are not sustainable for longer runs, but to get that immediate results it can be followed with precaution if you do not suffer from any eating disorders or have any long-term illness with severe disease.

However, if you still decide to pursue short-term weight loss, the following steps can help you achieve it. Keep in mind that this is not a long-term program or solution.

  • Avoid any type of carbs completely at least for 10-15 days. Low carbs help to prevent bloating as it prevents from increasing the water weight.
  • Reduce your calorie intake by counting your calories by available apps online. Also, you should stick to your meals and do not eat anything after it. Drink water to keep yourself full instead of any other calorie drinks.
  • Try intermittent fasting as it is one of the effective techniques to lessen calorie intake and lose weight. Intermittent fasting 16 hours of fasting a single day. This method would be easy to follow if you finish your last meal by 8 p.m and eat nothing after it and skipping breakfast. To reduce that hunger in between you can drink coffee, green tea preferably without sugar.
  • Reducing salt intake temporarily can help us shed weight. Sodium causes our bodies to retain water, and water weight can account for 55-60% of your body weight. During these weeks when you are trying to lose weight cut down salt from your diet.
  •  Like salt avoid sugar completely for two weeks. The best way is to not buy any sugary items. If it is out of sight thus it is out of mind. Eating sugary food is one of the major causes to be overweight. In name of cravings or emotional eating we finish tubs of ice-cream, so avoid such habits.
  •  Make sure you intake protein which can help reduce your appetite further boosting your metabolism. You can have eggs without the yolk, paneer, and tofu to name some.
  • Lifting weights are one of the effective ways to burn out calories and get in good shape. You can lift dumbbells, kettlebells or if you don’t have these any heavy bags or bricks can be used at the rescue.
  • Thirty minutes of HIIT (high-intensity workout) is also an effective way to shed those extra kilos. You could just do jumping jacks, climb up the stairs, or jog at least for thirty minutes.
  •  To go on the extreme side you can try one meal a day for a week. In this, you can eat whatever you wish but keep in mind you have to eat only a single meal. This is not a long-term way to lose weight.
  • If you don’t get enough sleep, it’s going to be way harder to find the energy to work out even little. Proper sleep will keep you fresh and keep you motivated toward your weight loss journey. It will help you stick to a routine even if you are following it for a week or two. And yup, this tip means no more scrolling through Instagram till 3 am, sorry!

Just remember that most of this weight loss is due to losing water weight, so you’re likely to regain the weight as soon as your carbs and calorie intake rise again. Also eating a single meal a day would be a risk for people suffering from Diabetes. So check your body condition and requirements that can you follow a few of extreme conditions.

Additionally, this program should not be followed long-term and is not a sustainable weight loss solution.

That said, some tips included here — such as weight lifting, HIIT, and a generally active daily routine — may make good long-term habits for building muscle and burning calories.

Overall, long-term weight loss is best achieved through following a healthy habit consistently. It’s important to follow a sustainable eating habit to get the nutrients your body requires. For the longer run, a healthy balanced diet is a must.

Also read, 10 Proven ways to cut body fat.

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