We all feel good when we set out to do something, and actually get it done. This feeling of having accomplishment is influenced by chemicals produced by different glands across the body called hormones. They travel through the bloodstream, acting as messengers and playing a part in many body processes.
It is difficult to control the environment around us, but certainly, you can control the mood by releasing the feel-good hormones.

These “happy hormones” include a happy D-O-S-E.
- DOPAMINE: Also known as the “feel-good” hormone, dopamine is also an achievement hormone and neurotransmitter that’s an important part of your brain’s reward system. It is associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory, motor system function, and more. When you form a habit of doing something regularly like reading, exercising; this hormone is released and motivates you to continue further giving you a sense of achievement.
- OXYTOCIN: This hormone can also help promote trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships, and oxytocin levels generally increase with having friendly interactions. Laughing together on a common joke, sharing each other’s stories supplements the oxytocin levels. An increase in the level of this hormone increases a sense of empathy and gratitude.
- SEROTONIN: This hormone helps in regulating the mood as well as sleep, appetite, digestion, learning ability, and memory. It is said these hormones ask your purpose for doing any of your work, this increases the level of serotonin and keeps pushing to complete a certain task
- ENDORPHINS: These are the body’s natural pain reliever, which the body produces in response to stress. Endorphin levels also tend to increase when engaging in reward-producing activities, such as eating, working out, or studying for the exam. Whatever activity makes you happy leads to the secretion of Endorphins.

These hormones make you happy and accomplished in your day to day lives and any work you do. Let’s take an example When you made a to-do list for a day and you kept following every work you mentioned; it gives you a feeling of victory and you don’t go to bed with regrets of not sticking to your to-do list. Instead, if you just procrastinate doing things for every next hour, stress continues. The irony is sometimes you really want to do all those things but you do it in your head and keep procrastinating and its execution fails in reality. This all leads to a sense of failure and guilt in day-to-day life.
To overcome this guilt and failure, to treat your mind with these happy hormones, it is important for you to practice the execution of the works you planned. Suppose, as a student, you made your priority to study 6 hours a day, exercise for an hour daily. If you succeed to follow the plan, the happiness that is rushed is no less than one of your biggest achievements. Since your mind is happy it is releasing all those happy chemicals and these chemicals help you follow through with your plan.

The secret to happiness is known but still, we fail and stress about everything. Certainly, we all are aware of why are we stressing, instead of finding ways not to stress, we stress over the fact that we are stressed.
To eradiate this unhappiness from your lives it is important for you to understand that it is not others who stress you, it is you.
To release these happy hormones it is required, that what you have planned – Do it. Initially, it may be hard but still do it. The sense of achievement you will feel will motivate you the next day and next day and so on, till it integrates into your daily routine.
If you feel low, go for a walk, or watch your favorite comedy movie.

Have conversation with your friends.
Meditate, it one of the best techniques to feel happy, Since that purposeful silence makes you realize where you went wrong and what needs to be done in its response.
It is important for you to understand, that you are progressing day by day and acknowledge your progress.
It is that simple, write down three things you want to complete in a day. Do it, this will give you a sense of progress and self-validation, that will secrete your happy hormones and this cycle continue and you develop a healthy lifestyle and make progress and reach heights in your career as well as in your life. “It is all in your head”. Either choose to follow through with your plan or stress about not doing it. The former is definitely a better plan.
I feel happy when I effectively complete what I set out to do. This makes me feel fulfilled and have purpose and motivation to achieve the next day the same.
One life. Live boundless
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