Tired of Chemicals? Bio-Enzymes to the rescue.

How to make Bio enzymes at home

All home cleaning products and kitchen garden fertilizers contain toxic and harmful chemicals, these cleaners are extremely hazardous to our health and the environmental implications of these harmful chemicals are destructive. We now have a safer option Bio-Enzymes to rescue which can be made at home using your biodegradable leftovers. In this article, we will discuss on How to make Bio enzymes at home.

We blindly buy cleaners manufactured by reputed brands off the shelves not knowing how dangerous these chemicals are for our health and for the health of the ones we love. These cleaners contain phosphates, ammonia, nitrates, etc these are harmful substances that pollute the air, groundwater, rivers, lakes, and the whole environment. Many of us are allergic to these cleaners.

Do you know that there is a simple, inexpensive, and completely natural solution to keep one’s homes clean and your gardens elixir which does not contain a single hazardous chemical? They are bio enzymes.

So, What are Bio Enzymes

This is an organic solution made by fermentation of fruits, vegetables, sugar, and water. They use good bacteria to digest wastes, soils, stains, and bad odors. These bacteria do this by producing enzymes specifically designed to break down certain molecules into smaller pieces.

Does it sound too simple to be true? It is a magical solution according to thousands of users. It is so simple to make that everyone can make their own in their homes. It is made with citrus peels but many people make use of peels of carrot, cucumber, and lettuce too which end up in the trash eventually.

Bio-enzymes are the perfect natural way to manage one’s home cleaning needs and maintain their kitchen gardens. By using this magical, multi-purpose solution, one will not take care of the safety of one’s loved ones but also of the environment.  There is a very urgent need for us to move towards natural and sustainable living. The planet is reeling under the unchecked pollution of harmful chemicals. The water bodies are very contaminated due to the usage of chemical-filled products. We won’t be left with clean water for our use if we don’t change our ways and keep ignoring the environment around us.

Now a lot has been said about this wonderful and miraculous bio enzyme but now one should also learn how to make it or else what would be the point in hyping it.

To make Bio enzymes at home, what all you need:

  • 1 part jaggery
  • 3 parts lemon or orange peels ( basically any citrus peels would do)
  • 10 parts of water

All one needs to do is, mix all these ingredients in a plastic container that has screw bottle caps and leave it for a month. Release excess gases by opening the bottle cap once in two days but make sure that it is covered always as one does not want the fruit flies to get into them. After 2-3 months, strain the liquid and store it in a plastic or any other bottle.  For every use dilute it in a ratio of 1: 10 for direct use. The bio-enzyme is ready to be used for cleaning purposes and to save the environment.

Though many people are skeptical about the efficiency of this simple, inexpensive yet all-natural solution, more and more people have started to use them as it is a really effective and versatile cleaner.

Uses of Bio-enzymes cleaners.

  • Cleans and disinfects all surfaces in the house.
  • Purifies the air around us and removes all the bad odors
  • Very effective in removing the limescale on taps and other steel appliances.
  • It removes the harmful pesticides and chemicals from fruit and vegetables
  • Cleans and refreshes  clothing and  the footwear
  • It is a natural pesticide and herbicide.
  • It nourishes the hair and skin of our beloved pets
  • It is used to keep the cockroaches and mosquitoes away.
  • It is an excellent fertilizer for plants and enriches the soil with nutrients naturally.
  • Breaks down grease effectively from the utensils
  • It de-clogs drains effectively

No other cleaner is as multipurpose and inexpensive as a bio-enzyme cleaner. More importantly, it is extremely safe for us as well as the environment.  One litre of bio-enzyme can de-contaminate 1000 litres of water. Each time one pours this miracle solution into drains, one is actually helping in purifying the water.

The best thing is that the residue peels need not be thrown away, it can be added to one’s compost pile, its paste is an excellent cleaner for grime filled chimneys or it can be mixed with water and added to one’s plants as a natural fertilizer.

Imagine if every household uses bio-enzymes cleaners instead of the commercially available chemical-filled harsh cleaners, our water bodies will be rejuvenated in no time! We will no longer have toxic lakes spewing methane and polluting the air and water. We can experience allergy free cleaning. The list can go on and on.

There’s nothing like making its own bio enzymes cleaner at home, most organic stores sell bio-enzyme cleaners in case one cannot make it on their own. Ditch the chemical ones and go for these and experience the change and make your little contribution towards eco-friendly living.


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