The ‘Physical’ Power of Thoughts

Power of Thoughts

Although thoughts originate in your head and are intangible in nature, they do have an immense physical impact. The power of thoughts is so immense that you can catch a disease if you think you are susceptible to it. Thinking you can is like inviting it to you within your thoughts. The nature of thoughts and emotions determines the physical substance, structure, and function of our bodies. When more of such negative thoughts start accumulating. Thus it becomes a must that you should change your thinking to change your life.

power of thoughts

Do negative thoughts make you feel sick?

The answer to this is yes. So,even If you feel sick, don’t stress about it. Otherwise, the stress will amplify your illness. In this pandemic situation even if you were completely fine and healthy but start having doubts (just one negative thought) that you have all the wrong symptoms, you may test positive because 24X7 you had these thoughts running in your head. I dealt with this same situation, which made me panic and the only solution which worked was to not think of it anymore.

Suppose two people fell ill and one chose to focus on how he will surely recover and fill their minds with joyful thoughts and the other one focuses on illness and pain he is suffering. Who do you think would recover faster? Right. It’s the person’s choice to feel well irrespective of outer and inner environment.

An inspirational story is of ‘Morris Goodman. His body got completely paralyzed in an airplane crash in March 1981. His spinal cord got crushed, his swallowing reflex was destroyed. He was unable to breathe. All he was left capable of doing was blinking his eyes. The doctors told him he will be in a vegetative for the rest of his life. But it didn’t matter to him. He pictured himself to be a normal person again and walking out of the hospital on his own legs. The only thing he worked upon in the hospital was his mind keeping away all those negative and weak thoughts that would distract him from getting better and this how his thinking change his life for good.

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Eventually with excellent medical treatment, immense family support but, most important, the power of his thoughts, he was able to walk out of hospital on his own legs in November 1981. He is rightly known as ‘The Miracle Man’. He says “Man becomes what he thinks about”.

How Laughter Affects Power of Thoughts

Laughter also plays important role in healing you from within. Another miraculous story of ‘Norman Cousins’ is very inspiring. He was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors believed he had only three or four months left for him. For all those months, he only watched funny movies and laughed. On further tests, doctors found that his symptoms were getting better.

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Norman Cousins lived many more years. By positivity & laughter, he released all his negative energy, and as a consequence, cured his disease. Many other cancer patients got motivated by this laughter therapy and found positive results.

Our positive mindset and joyous nature help in healing from any sort of illness. Medicines are important but our positive attitude acts as a catalyst and enhances the result.

There is already enough evidence to prove that what we think hugely impacts our DNA from the laboratory of Dr. Elizabeth H. Blackburn’ at the University of California who worked on how our thinking may affect our ‘Telomeres’ length. Telomeres are a small piece of DNA that acts as a protective covering of our chromosomes on the ends. Whenever a round of replication happens, Telomeres length shortens. It is said to prevent aging.

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Dr. Blackburn conducted research on mothers who were in hospitals looking after their children fighting some disease. She found that they had a shorter length of telomeres than the mothers who were normal.  Apart from faster aging, shorter telomeres also may be associated with several other diseases. Dr. Blackburn was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the ‘Telomerase’ enzyme which helps in maintaining the length of the telomeres.

Keep in mind – positive Power of Thoughts changes your life

  • Wishing to have perfect health is your own choice. You can achieve it If you believe it
  • Do not pay attention to the monolithic society rules that If you get deadly disease you cannot be cured.
  • Laughter is definitely the key to vanquish your illness.
  • Don’t think or talk about your illness.
  • Positive and joyous mind give birth to healthy body.

Scientists and doctors believe this to be an era of energy medicine. Everything in the universe has a frequency and all you have to do is change a frequency or create an opposite frequency. That’s how easy it is to change anything whether it is a disease or emotional issues. What you need is to BELIEVE that how changing your thinking can change your life.

As Paulo Coelho writes in ‘The Alchemist’ – “If you desire something strong enough, the entire universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” Have that strong desire to stay healthy, fit, and happy. The power of your thought will force the universe in helping you achieve it.

Spread Positivity. Stay healthy. Stay Happy.

Also read, Positive Thoughts

One Life. Live Boundless.

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