The law of attraction is unfailingly giving you every single thing in your life based on what you are giving out. You magnetize and receive the circumstances of wealth, health, relationship your job and every single event and experience in your life based on the thoughts and feelings you are giving out. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction.

Your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak loud. When you say someone “what a beautiful day” you had thoughts too and then you spoke it out. Your thought of beautiful day became your action. When you get out of bed in the morning you had thought of getting out of bed before you took action. You can’t take action without thinking first.
It’s your thoughts that determine whether your words and actions will be positive or negative. But how do you know whether your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when they are thoughts o what you want to love. And negative thoughts are thought of what you don’t want and don’t love. It is that simple and that easy. Whether you want it in your life, you want it because you love it. Take a moment and think about it, you don’t want things, you don’t love, do you?
It is the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. So every thought will eventually turn into things. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. Focusing on negative energy will surely keep you under the cloud o gloom and doom. Whereas if we try and manifest positive thoughts and aim to achieve our goals, then we will find ways to achieve them with massive action. Whatever we are thinking and feeling at any given time is basically our request to the universe for more of the same. Because your energy vibrations will attract energy back to you of the same frequencies, you need to make sure that you are continually sending out energy, thoughts, and feelings that resonate with what you want to be, do, and experience.
Our energy frequencies need to be in tune with what we want to attract in your life. If joy and love are what we want to attract, then the vibrational frequencies of joy and love are what you want to create.
When we understand the law of attraction, we can use it to our benefit. We can then intentionally and consciously create a better lie and achieve the things we want. We have to be conscious o how we respond to the situation in life. We have to better our understanding and choose to think differently
You can choose to focus and think about the things you want more of in your life. You can choose to experience more of the things that make you feel good. You can choose to deliberately participate in the creation of your future by managing your thoughts and feelings.
Your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak loud. When you say someone “what a beautiful day” you had thoughts too and then you spoke it out. Your thought of beautiful day became your action. When you get out of bed in the morning you had thought of getting out of bed before you took action. You can’t take action without thinking first.
It’s your thoughts that determine whether your words and actions will be positive or negative. But how do you know whether your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when they are thoughts o what you want to love. And negative thoughts are thought o what you don’t want and don’t love. It is that simple and that easy. Whether you want it in your life, you want it because you love it. Take a moment and think about it, you don’t want things, you don’t love, do you?
It is the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. So every thought will eventually turn into things. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. Focusing on negative energy will surely keep you under the cloud o gloom and doom. Whereas if we try and manifest positive thoughts and aim to achieve our goals, then we will find ways to achieve them with massive action. Whatever we are thinking and feeling at any given time is basically our request to the universe for more of the same. Because your energy vibrations will attract energy back to you of the same frequencies, you need to make sure that you are continually sending out energy, thoughts, and feelings that resonate with what you want to be, do, and experience.
Our energy frequencies need to be in tune with what we want to attract in your life. If joy and love are what we want to attract, then the vibrational frequencies of joy and love are what you want to create.
When we understand the law o attraction, we can use it to our benefit. We can then intentionally and consciously create a better lie and achieve the things we want. We have to be conscious of how we respond to the situation in life. We have to better our understanding and choose to think differently
You can choose to focus and think about the things you want more of in your life. You can choose to experience more of the things that make you feel good. You can choose to deliberately participate in the creation of your future by managing your thoughts and feelings.
One life. Live Boundless
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