Who are the Class Clowns?

Do you all recall the Class clowns when you were in elementary school; Aren’t they in your memory yet? Aren’t, they part of your good memories? Their jokes made us laugh in the room when sometimes the teacher loaded us with a lot of boredom through their Maths sum. They used … Read More →

What is Success

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” What is Success? Success to people vary.. Some think they are successful, when they have a billion dollar business, large social media following and all those pictures we see of famous … Read More →

Channelize your Emotions

We all go through waves of emotions, sometimes we don’t know why we are feeling what we are feeling.  These strong emotions can sometimes be an eye-opener and life-transforming realizations. However, the real challenge people face is while dealing with strong negative emotions? How exactly to channelize such emotions in … Read More →

Do you believe in Magic?

When we were a kid and we looked at life in total wonder and awe? Life was magical and exciting, and the smallest things were utterly thrilling to us. Fascinated by the frost on the grass, a butterfly fluttering through the air, or any strange leaf-like touch me not leaves. … Read More →

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is unfailingly giving you every single thing in your life based on what you are giving out. You magnetize and receive the circumstances of wealth, health, relationship your job and every single event and experience in your life based on the thoughts and feelings you are … Read More →