It’s true that many of us are not happy with a 9 to 5 job and more interested to hustle and develop a business that can assure a high return on a long-term basis. Whereas, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to start a business from scratch and make it an empire. But still, it’s nearly everyone’s curiosity and we keep searching how to start a business.
However, if you have the will and enthusiasm to start your own business, there are many businesses you can start with almost no investment, and earn a profit. So if you are someone who does not have much to invest, but wants to start your own business, here is a short story to get you motivated.
A man named,Durga Chandrasekaran, 38, gives instructions to the novices – those learning to ride a scooter First ‘duck-walking’ -moving on the scooter using the legs to push forward or backward.

From one step to another, all on their own, they pick up first and are proud of their achievement The news flashed fast and more women came to learn. No more wasting time endlessly at the bus stops, no more argument with the rickshaw driver.
They are independent. They can afford to buy a scooter. The problem was to leam riding, Durga did it for them. Those learning, feel a new sense of freedom! They are mistresses of their time and movement. From one woman’s enterprise and daring, so many benefit. Durga bought a few scooters and taught and he expanded his business, hiring more trainers and different branches of his driving school.
People want to learn and grow as entrepreneurs, but they fear they don’t have many resources to start with, and also what If failures strike.
Just remember, it is an initiative and a small investment. You can buy a cycle and start a cycling club for a small fee to make up the cost. Quite a few would join. How do you think cycle shops are run? Initiative and enterprise and learning the first steps can lead you into the more advanced business.
Use your tools to help others learn They pay back the costs with which you earn and then you can multiply those earnings with other business ideas you have and investments.
Learn; teach, earn, and be on the top!
The point here is if you have the courage to start something on your own all you need is self-belief and should worry about the hurdles. Start it, even If you don’t have many resources, they will get added, If you have the will to convert that scratch idea into a big business plan.
also read, it pays to be independent director in India
One life. live Boundless
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