A very long time back, when I was getting ready for my first assignment abroad, I underwent a 2-day training named ‘Cross-Cultural Sensitivity’. Amongst other things, it was designed to get us prepared on how what to & what not to talk to people when you’re in a different country. Total No-No were politics, societal customs, political systems, personal questions, etc. unless you have become comfortable friends with that person.

Over time, I have realized that the same is true Intra Cultural Sensitivity as well. You may start a benign discussion with one person or a group, but the chances of such discussions enlightening either of the persons are very low. In most cases, people debate not to gain knowledge or perspectives but to prove ‘they’ are right. Supportive Data may get presented comfortably skipping the one that negates your point. I have even seen (not participated in) discussions where people start going personal about someone’s character, past or present in very little time. These discussions seldom bear good fruits. They may damage your relationships.
Stay away from such discussions. If you want enlightenment, read books. If you’re a ‘discussion person’, discuss with those who you think know more than you.
Also read, Learn to ignore what others say
One Life. Live Boundless.
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