The only people who are ‘always’ absolutely sure of everything they know are ‘Ignorants’. Because sometimes Doubts are good too. Nobody knows everything.
‘Knowledge‘ by its very nature is closely linked to ‘Discovery‘. And Discovery by its very nature is all about something that – has happened, is happening, or will happen.
Not very long ago, people thought the earth is flat and sun moves around the earth. And in the recent past, some thought Coca-Cola had medicinal benefits. Anyone thinking or saying other wise was considered a fool.
What we knew yesterday got changed when we understood the same phenomenon better with, say technology. What we know today may change further. That change may just be a ‘Discovery’ away.

Knowledge opens your eyes to the fact that while you know some, there is a lot more to be explored and experienced. Real knowledge makes you hungry for more – not feel satisfied that now you know enough.

If you get doubts, you’re living real. Only the ignorants don’t have doubts.
Keep the curiosity alive. Don’t deny the doubts.
One Life. Live Boundless.
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