Positive Change starts from the top.
Suppose, a senior manager (corporate intrapreneurs) or HR treats their team really bad during such extra-ordinary times or asks them to leave the organization. Common wisdom says that it is bad branding for the company, the company will find it hard to attract good talent, and it would impact its future.
But what happens to those managers? Truth is – not much. If the company is getting impacted, these corporate intrapreneurs’ managers would be the first ones to leave the sinking ship and board a new successful ship. For that reason, people at higher levels must always have personal stakes in the long term success or failure of the company – not just a fat salary. Maybe, stock options that are given over 10-15 years, irrespective of whether they are with the company or not.

When organizations around the world encourage their leaders to be Intrapreneurs, make the stakes for those corporate Intrapreneurs be similarly high. That would force them to think and act like the owners in genuine interests of the company, and not only look at short-term measures that only impact the next quarter’s numbers.
One Life. Live Boundless.
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