Want Book Reading – The Right Way, there are 2 modes to reading a book – tickmark mode and learning mode.
Tickmark mode is the one in which you read it and forget it as fast. You get the bragging rights to having finished the book, but nothing else. You read books in this fashion when you are looking at finishing as many books as fast as possible. Rather than learning, the goal is a one-time read or gather some talking points. Sometimes people read in this fashion due to peer pressure or societal pressures since they think that it would enhance their reputation in someones’ eyes.
Learning mode is the one in which you go deep into the content and think through while reading. The goal here is to learn more about the subject and have some practical implications. The reader tries to imbibe what he reads and ensures that he doesn’t go past a topic until he understands it fully.
To really learn from the book, you will need to re-read it multiple times. It’s OK to read fewer books as long as you can learn and implement the learnings in real life.
Also read, Learn with a purpose
One Life. Live Boundless.
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