Best Morning Routine

Effective rituals help us put our brains on autopilot so that we can use our brainpower to focus on what’s important in our lives, rather than creating a daily habit and trying to know what suits us the best. To focus on what is important in life one needs to continuously follow a habit,  and Habit,” is“action[s] that you take on a repeated basis with little or no required effort or thought.” And the best habit is having the best morning routine.

Even though their routines varied wildly, every one of them had actionable daily rituals they followed to put them in an optimal state of mind.

To reach your optimal state, it’s time to wake up in a little different style to overcome your self-imposed limitations so you can be and have everything you want in your life faster than ever thought possible.

Here is the guide to transform you into a different person, who would be happier, healthier, and successful morning ritual:

Start your day with calm mind and body

Envision yourself waking up peacefully in the morning, with a big yawn, stretching your body, and a smile on your face. Sit calmly, breathe deeply, and create purposeful silence. Appreciate your day, show gratitude to appreciate the moment. It is believed when you have a sense of gratitude no other negative thoughts can take up space in your mind.

Instead of panicking the minute, you wake up, stressed, and overwhelmed about your hectic schedule. Avoid this. Calm your mind and allow your stress to melt away. By this, you will develop a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and direction.

Pull out the daily affirmations that remind you of your unlimited potential and your priorities. Read it all loud. This will help you focus on what is important for you, you will be reminded of your goals daily. This will get you energized to chase up your goals.


Close your eyes and visualize. This visualization will make you feel how would it feel when you reach your goals. You visualize your day going smoothly, laughing, and smiling with family. This is the information you feed in your mind and this will be created. As information is the source of our thoughts we think of.

 Journals are good to keep things planned.

Write down things you are grateful for, proud of, and results you have committed to creating for the day. This will again set you motivated and keep you in a confident state to get it done.

Grab your self-help book or article, or read your favorite quote. This will fill your mind with new ideas, something which you can integrate to enhance your results or improve your personal relations with others.

Stretch and Exercise

This minute you move your body, do jumping jacks, pushups, or just jog for at least 30 minutes. This is the point when you are getting your heart rate up, generating energy, and increasing your ability to be alert and focused.

It will keep you as a healthy body is most important when you will not feel energized, it is nearly impossible for you to concentrate on anything.

Don’t skip your breakfast

When you wake up in the morning, your blood sugar level drops down, also when you workout in the morning, for it you need a nutrient-dense breakfast that can provide you energy to get through the day and kickstart your metabolism for a healthy body. To boost your metabolism, try to eat breakfast at least within 2 hours of waking up.

Those who eat breakfast in the morning are mentally sharper than those who skip their morning meal. Breakfast foods have been proven to give you a brain boost, enhance your short-term memory, and make you stronger and sharper.

Eating a healthy breakfast that mixes various fruits and vegetables, low-fat and protein food helps increase concentration levels and allows you to stay productive all day long, also the breakfast food is the one which is more innovative than the rest of the meal.

End Note:

Remember that it is not a hard-fast rule to stick to a particular morning routine. Your morning routine should evolve and change. If something isn’t working, don’t follow it. The trick is to experiment to find what is working for you. It’s not mandatory for you to follow Elon Musk’s routine, But also don’t take leverage point to not follow any routine that can help you start your day faster.

A good day starts with a great morning ritual.

Even if you are not a morning person, you can still make your mornings work for you. Creating a morning ritual is an excellent way to start building small wins into your day, which helps transform the rest of your day.

It is a very pleasurable feeling, we all know we achieve when we stick to our routine, do something fruitful every single day. This little happiness and sense of achievement, of every day, are what should be looked up for.  These habits cumulatively amalgamate and work to reach that desired goal we aimed for.

So are you going to have your best morning routine to kickstart your day with energy?

also read our article 10 ways to cut down body fat

One life. Live Boundless

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