Are you Emotionally Intelligent?

Being angry is easy, but being angry with the right person, at the right time, for the correct reason and the right way is not easy. If that would be easy for you, means you have high emotional intelligence.

Emotionally intelligent people engage in a number of habits and behaviors that contribute to their ability to manage their own emotions and understand the feelings of others.

 People who are attenuated to their own feelings, capable of expressing emotions in a perfect way, as well as empathetic about other situations in a rightful way, that person is probably having a very high emotional intelligence.

1. They are aware about their own feeling.

Self-awareness is a key component of emotional intelligence. It involves the ability to recognize moods, emotions, and feelings. Part of self-awareness also involves being aware of how your emotions and moods influence other people. This ability to monitor your own emotional states is a basic requirement for emotional intelligence.

2. They know what others feel about them

Empathy is another major component of emotional intelligence. It helps one to understand when to behave and what others expect at that particular time… It is one o the best quality in order to work with people of different life domains, you will encounter various kinds of people, you need to be able to know what they are feeling. If a co-worker is upset or frustrated, knowing what he is feeling can give you a much better idea of how to respond.

3. They know how to regulate their emotions

Self-regulation is absolutely central to emotional intelligence. You have to understand when to show right type o emotions. I people around you are happy you cant be gloomy. Sometimes you will have to sync your emotions hding hat you are eeling inside. Understanding your emotions is great, but not particularly useful if you cannot make use of this knowledge. Emotionally intelligent people think before they act on their feelings. They are in tune with how they feel, but they do not let their emotions rule their lives.

4. Motivation is their key

Emotionally intelligent people are motivated to achieve their goals and capable of managing their behaviors and feelings in order to achieve long-term success. They might be nervous about making a change in their lives, but they know that managing this fear is important. By taking a leap and making the change, they know that they might make their lives better and come one step closer to attaining their goals.

5. Their Social game is up

Emotionally intelligent people also tend to have strong social skills, probably in part because they are so attuned to their own feelings as well as those of others. They know how to deal with people effectively, and they are invested in maintaining healthy social relationships and helping those around them succeed.

6. They are comfortable discussing their emotions

People often struggle to share their emotions with others, but as we all know sharing your emotions comforts you. But still, people struggle to share what they feel.

Emotionally intelligent people not only understand feelings, they know how to express them appropriately.

 Imagine, for example, that you just had a particularly awful day at work. You are tired, frustrated, and angry about how things went at an important meeting. An inappropriate expression of your feelings might involve coming home and getting into an argument with your spouse or sending a nasty email to your boss. A more appropriate emotional reaction would be discussing your frustrations with your spouse, releasing some tension by going for a jog, and coming up with a plan to make the next day better than the one before.

7. They know what is the cause for the rising and fall of their emotions.

Emotionally intelligent people know why they are feeling a certain way. Think you to be in a situation where you find yourself getting frustrated and angry with a co-worker. When you assess what you are feeling, analyze what is upsetting you. Are you mad about your co-worker’s actions, or does your anger stem from underlying frustrations and pressure from a boss who has heaped too much work and responsibility on your shoulders?

Emotionally intelligent people are able to look at the situation and correctly identify the true source of their feelings and find a way that their emotions do not affect them.

End Note:

Emotional intelligence is always a product of a process that people believe and follow for a long time. They may be aware or unaware of the process itself. They may be following it with a lot of attention or it may be happening just like that. 

Want to be intelligent in any field of choice? Pay attention and define your own process if you can’t find one. And then follow it – religiously. 

Also read our article Channelize your emotions.

One life. Live Boundless

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