In our high-achieving society where people only welcome success, failure is not embraced as a learning opportunity. You don’t need to always get the best. Oftentimes things go bad even if you put in your best efforts. We make mistakes, have setbacks sometimes and it is no fun. Filling in the same motivation to start it all again is tough but we should know that failure is not the end of the road.

So If you are struggling with failure and negativity is dragging in, in you. Here are some helpful ways to deal with it, here are a few tips:

Take it as a learning opportunity:

It is true that failing is debilitating. When we fail we associate it with the end of our all dreams because we accept that this is what in our box of life, failure. So it is important to shift from this perspective and count it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Once you see failure in this light, you can then begin to approach it with a different mindset; a mindset that will help you to quickly transform your actions into ones that lead to success.

Talk to your dear ones:

It is one o the powerful solution to all problems of our lives, is to vent out your emotions in front of someone who is dearest to you. That comfort is what you need to know it is not the end and you could start it all to get the win.  So don’t let your feelings get bottled up. By having a conversation about the situation, we see a different perspective on the situation through someone else’s eyes and encourage us to perhaps even to find a way forward.

Take the right amount of responsibility:

We should avoid blaming others for our failure. Putting blame on others shows a weak personality in us. As a student when we got fewer marks we often blamed our teachers or being biased and several other reasons to escape with the burden of failure. Think out of it now, you definitely burst out in laugh of thinking it as a grown-up and mature because we know now that we did not prepare enough to get good marks.

Sometimes things are not in our control and some external factors majorly affect our result.

You should not blame yourself for everything, particularly if it is outside your control.

Take the right amount of responsibility for the factors over which you have control and don’t be tempted to hide behind excuses every time.

The new plan of action:

It is important but does not go harsh on following it initially. When we try to pull out ourselves from the gloomy phase of failure, we should all start it again but try and achieving perfection in the initial days is hard and again this may ill in sense of failure in you. So don’t get harsh in the initial days. Split on your start of a plan up into small steps, and then take action one by one, if you still have a hard time to get going then go for a very small step, just 1-5 minutes of action forward. The important thing is to get started and moving forward again so make that easy for you to get going and when acclimatized to the situation you can go with full speed later on.

Also read, Success be defined by timeline?

End Note:
It’s normal to feel defeated in life sometimes. 

We all have experienced unique struggles and challenges along our journey in life but the important thing is to learn how to face these roadblocks of life. Whenever feeling defeated in life just believes there is something better to happen ahead, if we practice stepping outside of our comfort zone. It is important to try new things where we could fail. Over time we learn that failure isn’t as bad as we might imagine

“You always pass failure on your way to success.” –Mickey Rooney.

One life. Live Boundless

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