The Choice Paradox

Shopping is relaxing for some, but it is also a process that drains out all of our energy to get that perfect pair from all those perfect pairs.  The myriad of choices confuses us creating a choice paradox.

I somehow feel unsatisfied for inexplicable reasons. Thinking maybe I should have bought that blue pair of heels, or maybe a black one or maybe redone. We all go through this. But ask yourself; Do you really want to go through this feeling of dissatisfaction? The Answer to this is No

The Problem Is – Choice !!!

One should feel good in what they have and make others feel about what good they have. It is cliché here mentioning the fact that when you criticize others for their choices you too get criticized because people are inconsiderate. You feel you need to be validated and praised by others for the Blue heels that you bought.

These stupid choices drain your energy. Before going to the office how many of us keep worrying about what to wear, which purse to carry, what sandals to wear. This choice paradox. Too much confuses us, but we still want more.

We all encounter some people who wear specific clothes, maybe a white shirt daily. We feel pity for no reason… Ohh this person has no money to buy a new shirt, he\she wears only a white shirt. But the reason could be that person doesn’t want to burn out daily just for a fact what should I wear to the office. It is the fact when we have to choose from everything it becomes difficult. Either it being what place to go, what to eat out of too many options, what to watch on Netflix. We are given too many choices.

So we often say that we want options when it comes to getting things done. However, options aren’t always a good thing. When everything is a possibility, nothing is. It actually becomes harder to make the decision. This is the paradox of choice.

Show satisfaction in the decision you made:

Looking back at your decisions and wishing you had chosen differently leads to regret, which is one of the most painful things we can face. We need to recognize that when we have chosen, it was the best option based on what we knew at the time.

Even if we could have chosen differently, the alternatives have an entirely different set of consequences, some of which could be negative. No choice is perfect, and recognizing this is the first step towards satisfaction.

At the same time, we are continually striving to better ourselves, whether in our careers, relationships, or health. Doing so gives us a sense of meaning and purpose.

Do you find yourself frustrated by the choices you make? Remember, you’re only human. Being human means wanting better things, while at the same time embracing the imperfection that is life, and that’s okay.

Know when to choose and what to choose:

Being choosy for everything can cause a huge distraction. Not everything in life needs too much choosiness of yours like what to wear to college or office. What to eat for dinner.

Things which require your choosing skills are what career option do you see working for you. What new skill you need to learn to enhance your resume. What decision you take out of many which will work for your startup. These things need to be brainstormed if you have got choices.

We often think that we want an open road and the ability to choose any direction for ourselves. But sometimes, what we need is a tunnel that can reduce our choices and send us in a focused direction. Choices are good but not always; you have to worry about the choices you made or you will make.

Read, Declutter your thoughts.

One life. Live Boundless.

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