Positive thinking is a word that we all have heard several times. We advise others to think positively.
If somebody is going through some rough phase in their lives, we ask them not to worry, have faith, and hope, these difficult times of them shall pass. It is a word we believe in and we want to live it and yet when there is a situation in our own life where negative thinking or wrong thinking comes across our mind, we call it obvious or natural thinking. We are unable to walk the talk. Negative thinking is in the form of fear or worry. Blaming someone or belittling someone, feeling jealous, comparing oneself with someone, competing with someone or feeling hurt about what somebody said, and Feeling resentful about someone It is a very wide spectrum.

Any thought which disturbs a person’s state of mind and does not make one feel at ease or uncomfortable is a form of negative thinking. These vibrations radiate to other people and create disturbance in their minds also. Still, we say, “I didn’t want to think that way but the thought just came.” Why does it happen that when there is a situation the negative option comes so quickly to us?
So we need to understand what is the source of these negative thoughts. Our every thought is our own creation. Every thought is energy. But what is the source of this thought energy? Why do some people have more negative thoughts than others? Why are we different? And how do one can create the right thoughts? Many of these questions we battle quite often.
For this, One needs to know the source of their thoughts. The thought is energy. What is the raw material that creates this energy? Information is the most important source of thought. It is like the food we eat, is the raw material that gets energy into the body. It also creates the immunity system of our body. It is based on our diet. That is the reason, whenever there is a health issue, the first thing we are told to do is to check our diet and change the diet as it is our diet that creates the body. Now, what creates the mind? Your emotional diet.
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What is an emotional diet? It is Information that includes everything that we see, watch, and read. All these three are stored in our minds. They are stored in the subconscious mind and become a part of our thoughts. If for many days we have been reading or listening about an accident, or that a child traveling on a bike met with an accident and died. If we listen to such news once, twice or ten times this information gets embedded into our subconscious mind. Suppose today evening your child does not come home on time, If his phone is out of reach, one doesn’t want to create wrong thoughts about the welfare of one’s child, one doesn’t want to, but you get these thoughts.
Why does the mind worry that something wrong may have happened? Why does it not think that something good may have happened maybe he must have met somebody or might be busy at work, that is why he must have been late. But we think, “Hope nothing wrong has happened. Hope he/she has not met with an accident.” Does the mind think this way? Because that is what we feed our minds with. It is all stored in the mind.

That several accidents are happening in the world today. So many people die on the spot due to these accidents. The mind has absorbed that information So it will create that fearful thought. We need to take care of the information that we consume. What we watch, what we read, and what we listen to. Whether we watch a movie or a serial on the television, whether we are listening to a joke or reading a book Or we are just listening to a song. Very often nowadays, while doing any of our works, we listen to audio books, podcasts. We feel we are just passing time and it is just a story, song, or any message from the podcasts. Every word that we hear is getting recorded in the mind. We need to remember that this is becoming the source of our thoughts and very soon it will be a part of our vocabulary. So it important for you to chose what you feed our mind with.
If the mind is feeling low, we prefer listening to sad songs. We don’t want to listen to Happy songs at that moment. The frequency of our mind at that time is sad and low. Only a sad song carrying low frequency feels suitable for us. We need to change our way of thinking and the only way of doing that is by changing what we are absorbing.
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