In my conversations, I always say – If something bad is to happen, the earlier the better. Always believe it.
There are things beyond one’s control. People fear that they may lose their job, they are becoming irrelevant, the boss is out to get them, the competitor is going to buy their company out, their girlfriend/boyfriend will leave them, or whatnot.

Living in fear is not a good way to live your life. It sucks out the happiness and leaves you stressed, even leading to health-related issues.
The earlier you get the chance to deal with the adversities, the better are the chances of you coming out as a winner. Reason – You have more energy and more time today than you will have after a few years.
Plus, don’t get too serious about anything – success or failure. Your definitions will change as you gain wisdom. Be Fearless. No matter where you are, you don’t have a lot to lose anyway.
One Life. Live Boundless.
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