Greed for anything is evil. Here is a short story mentioned about greed. There was a poor beggar who asked people for alms. He despised the rich because they always wanted more and more. As for himself, if he had enough food and some decent clothes, he would be satisfied. He would not beg for more, like those greedy rich. Suddenly the goddess Fortune appeared to him and wanted to give him gold coins.

At once he opened his old weak bag to receive the golden treasure. After some coins poured in the goddess warned him the bag was too weak to carry more. If the coins fell to the ground, they would turn to dust! But the beggar would hear none of it.

He pleaded that more coins should be put in the bag. Again the goddess warned him, but to no avail! As the coins came in the bag split and all the coins fell on the ground and turned to dust! The goddess vanished. All that the beggar had was a torn bag!

What do we lean from it….?????

It is useful to look at the nature of greed. Greed makes you lose your balance. The more you have, the more dissatisfied you become and want more. You are always discontented, with no peace of mind!

There is a personal dimension to greed. The social dimension makes you deprive others of things because of your greed; you tend to cheat others or deprive them of their dues – give less pay… Greed in the social sphere can make people plunderers of public property, destroying forests for the wood or killing animals for filthy lucre’s sake.

On the other hand, you have a slow-growing band of social activists, who make a lot of sacrifices to help others.

Which group would you belong to?

Read the Choice Paradox

That disease from which all sickness comes -avarice or greed.

One life. Live Boundless

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