Career Decision Choices

It is an individual choice to grow (obviously benefits are also to individuals) … We have seen how hometown, relatives, food, traffic, traveling time, weather, kids, wife and thousands of reasons force us to take decisions which are not aligned to our career growth potential. Nothing wrong in that… But … Read More →

Productivity Improvement by 15%

Time is the most valuable resource anyone of us have and we don’t even know how much of it do we have. Guard your time more fiercely than how to guard your money. Use the time currency on what is really important because before you realize it, it will be gone. One Life. Live Boundless. Read More →

You Stop That Overthinking!

When you can’t control what’s happening When did you feel you cannot control what is happening around you? How will you react to the situation? How will you stop that overthinking? There can be two circumstances, first, it is not always whatever happens to you may be sickening, it could … Read More →

Overcoming laziness

Laziness consumes you from within. “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” ~Benjamin Disraeli Being lazy is common and most of us have the tags of being lazy in our lives. As I mentioned it is natural and common it has the ability to … Read More →

Why do people Procrastinate?

Tomorrow holds a lot of burdens. Most of us put things off which we find unpleasant and what is it called we all know its Procrastination. Like all of our bad habits, procrastination over things has become a chronic disease in most of us. We know it will lead to … Read More →